Showing 26 - 35 of 35 Results
The History, Philosophy, and Structure of the American Constitution (Loose-leaf version) by Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B... ISBN: 9781422472774 List Price: $72.00
Individual Rights and the American Constitution (Loose-leaf version) by Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B... ISBN: 9781422472781 List Price: $139.00
The History, Philosophy, and Structure of the American Constitution (2014) by DOUGLAS W. KMIEC, STEPHEN B... ISBN: 9781630436070 List Price: $173.00
The American Constitutional Order: History, Cases, and Philosophy (2014 Loose-leaf version) by DOUGLAS W. KMIEC, STEPHEN B... ISBN: 9781630434311 List Price: $166.00
Law and Jurisprudence in American History : Cases and Materials by Presser, Stephen B., Zainal... ISBN: 9780314278630
Piercing the Corporate Veil 2015 Edition by Stephen B. Presser ISBN: 9780314640161
Individual Rights and the American Constitution (2014 Loose-leaf version) by DOUGLAS W. KMIEC, STEPHEN B... ISBN: 9781630436131 List Price: $143.00
The History, Philosophy, and Structure of the American Constitution (2014 Loose-leaf version) by DOUGLAS W. KMIEC, STEPHEN B... ISBN: 9781630436094 List Price: $137.00
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